February 2022 Beaver Creek

Beaver Creek Outing Report
When: February 19, 2022,
Where: Beaver Creek, Hagerstown, Washington County, Md

Participants: Ron Briggs, Tristan Buenaventure, Ryan Payne, Randy Dwyer, Jim Irons, Ron Kerrick, Curt Mueller, Bob Muehlenkamp, Bob O’Donnell, Lou Reichel, Craig Vanderkolk
Thanks to Jim Senker for dessert who had to leave early.

I would like to thank Beaver Creek Fly Shop for providing lunch.

The morning was cold, low 40”s, water puddles had ice, some clouds, partly sunny, but no wind. Beaver Creek looked good, water level good. Was told the creek just got stocked and was pounded with fisherman for last couple days.

There was a story that there was good fishing on Licking Creek, a Put-n-Take creek just west of Hagerstown. I think Ron B and Ron K went there but the report was poor with very high water and muddy. It runs though a small park, Harding Park, and it might be a new place to try.

So people spread out. I, Bob O, Randy D and Bob M went upstream to the pool just past I-70. Just before or at the pool, it is now OFF LIMITS, with a wire and terrible signs and on video surveillance!!

Going downstream to the bridge I met a few members, but no caught fish. I did see 2 fish in a small pool. After 1 cast, they got scared and moved. Bob O caught 2 minnows on cress bug. Jim I found a pod at the Church Rd bridge and stayed there all morning with no luck. I did not hear anybody going further downstream. Craig V reported that people were parked off Rt 40 and fishing downstream in the Put-n-Take area and were catching buckets of fish.

I returned back to the fly shop to help with lunch. The Beaver Creek Fly Shop provided lunch of grilled hot dogs/sausage. We ate in the upstairs room of the shop. I think they were hot Italian sausage, a little hot and spicy for me. During lunch we saw some snowflakes falling outside.

After lunch I saw Tristan and Ryan fishing at the elbow pool behind the shop. One could see a pod of fish there. Even though I fished it in the morning, I didn’t see any fish there. Tristan and Ryan were catching some nice rainbows. It was nice to see the indicator float down and then see it go under, wiggle, or just stop, like what the books say.

I decided to go way downstream towards the end of the C&R section. I thought the water was a little low and I didn’t catch anything. The wire and bench are still at the end. I lost my fly patch, so if somebody finds one, just remember poor Lou. Wanted to take picture of scenic old spring house but phone ran out of power.

The wind started up, got cloudy, so I left by 4:30.

I hope everyone had a good adventure.

Sorry, I wanted to add more pictures but of course I had troubles with picture size.

Next Outing at beginning of April, the Hendrickson hatch on the Gunpowder.

The Outings Guy
Lou Reichel
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