Membership In PPCTU

When you join Trout Unlimited, you are assigned to a chapter based on your zip code unless you specifically request membership in the Potomac-Patuxent (PPCTU) Chapter No. 236. Not a member of Trout Unlimited? Please go to JOIN TU NATIONAL. You may also join Trout Unlimited and become a PPCTU member by completing an application form at one of our chapter meetings.

PPCTU Benefits:

Introductory Welcome Email for new members, containing:

  • Link to New Members Page which contains:
    • Information for New Fly Fishers
    • Information for Fly Tyers
    • Useful Conservationist Issues

Monthly Meeting with Guest Speakers:

  • 7:00 PM, Usually the Third Wednesday in September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and May -- Public Welcome! Meetings are held at the Mid County Community Center, 2004 Queensguard Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20906. (Please check our website at for changes in the schedule or location.)

Chapter Publication (The Conservationist):

  • We distribute our chapter publication, The Conservationist, electronically eight times a year in the same months as chapter meetings. The publication keeps you abreast of upcoming chapter activities and also includes feature articles that will sharpen your angling knowledge.

PPCTU Forum:

  • Join the PPCTU Forum and share local fishing reports and other fishing news with chapter members via email. To subscribe, send an email from the email account you want added to the listserver, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

PPTU Library:

  • Access to an extensive library (both books and video) on fly fishing and fly tying.

Participate in Conservation Projects, including:

  • Float stock Patuxent River Special Regulation Area, the Middle Patuxent Delayed Harvest Area and other local streams
  • Habitat Improvement Projects in the Patuxent and Gunpowder Watersheds
  • Assist DNR in fish surveys on local streams

Join other members in group Outings -- a great way to discover where to fish and other tips.

Use our Mentor Program to learn from experienced anglers.

Enroll in fly-tying & fly rod building classes.

About our Annual Supporting Contribution (ASC)

As a Chapter we are not allowed to assess dues or fees for membership. Along with other fund raising events, we therefore ask for a $20 Annual Supporting Contribution (ASC) each September, to sustain the chapter's administration costs, educational programs, and community service projects including:

  • Room rental for the monthly Chapter and board meetings at the Schwienhaut Center
  • Trout in the Classroom program that teaches primary & middle schoolers the importance of cold water fisheries to our environment
  • Support to TU fly fishing & conservation camps in Virginia and Pennsylvania, sponsoring attendance by high school students
  • Support of the Project Healing Waters program at Ft. Meade and Walter Reed that provides recreational activities to wounded warriors
  • Conservation projects that restore trout habitats in rivers & streams across Maryland.

I'm hooked -- how do I join?

It’s simple … By paying your annual Trout Unlimited dues, you are automatically a member of Potomac Patuxent Chapter No. 236 if identified by zip code or by your request. With your membership, you will receive the Conservationist via email if you have provided us with a valid email address. The Annual Supporting Contribution (ASC) is voluntary. Your tax deductible ACS helps this Chapter to maintain many activities, which in turn adds value to your trout fishing experience. There are three ways to make your ASC:

  • Go to our Donate Page to make a payment through PayPal with your credit card.
  • Print the Annual Supporting Contribution Form, complete the form including the email address to receive The Conservationist electronically and mail it with your check to:
    • Potomac-Patuxent Trout Unlimited
    • PO Box 2865
    • Wheaton, MD 20915
  • Bring your check to our next meeting and we'll sign you up there.