Joining or Renewing TU Membership
Using Membership Application
New members can join TU for FREE by completing the Special Introductory Membership Application Form. Print and mail the completed form with your $17.50 payment to the Trout Unlimited address on the form. Once your membership is accepted and we can verify that you are assigned to our chapter, we will reimburse you the $17.50 if you bring your receipt to our chapter meeting or email a copy of your receipt to
Joining Using the Website
New members also can join TU online at The special introductory rate of $17.50 for new members is only offered online through this link. To ensure our chapter is credited properly for rebates, please select our chapter, "236 - Potomac Patuxent", under the Mid Atlantic council. The new member enters their name, address, email, and credit card information. Please ensure spelling is correct as this information is automatically added to the TU database system. Once your membership is accepted and we can verify that you are assigned to our chapter, we will reimburse you the $17.50 if you bring your receipt to our chapter meeting or email a copy of your receipt to
Renewals for TU Members
Existing members should be renewing their membership to TU by any of the following methods:
- Membership Renewal Statement that is mailed to them,
- Calling Customer Service at 1-800-834-2419 to renew over the phone, or
- Renew on line at
Changing chapter affiliation
National TU has had a process where members who renew are cross-checked for their ZIP codes. If the ZIP falls in another chapter's jurisdiction, the member has been reassigned automatically to that other chapter. When you receive your membership card after renewing, please verify to what chapter you are assigned. Call the membership number above to have your affiliation changed to any chapter at any time. Also ask that your membership record be flagged so that no changes in chapter affiliation will happen in the future without your specific request.