Maryland Trout Stocking

Each year in the spring and the fall, the Maryland DNR stocks rainbows and brown trout in many streams and ponds through out the state. Our chapter assists with the stocking of the Upper Patuxent, the fly fishing only section below Brighton Dam, and the delay harvest section of the Middle Patuxent. If you are interested in assisting with these activities, please contact Jay Sheppard at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

2025 Spring Stocking

February 25, 2025

This morning a stalwart group of 11 PPTU members met the DNR hatchery truck at various points along the Patuxent River.  Approx. 300 browns and 100 rainbows were float stocked and spread out from Annapolis Rock bridge down to well below Hipsley Mill bridge.  Another 700 rainbows and some 100 browns were float stocked in the flies-only section below Brighton Dam.

There are many trails along these streams.  The upper Pax is in a state park.  Trails do emanate from the parking lots or the other sides at bridges...stay in the floodplain!

Most fishers go to the Haviland Mill Park on the Howard Co side of the river at Haviland Mill bridge.  This is a big, 2-lane bridge.  The park has a lovely parking lot area, with signs, etc.  On that side of the river you can only proceed upstream by crossing the road, going up a gravel lane a dozen yards or so,   and angle towards the far left corner of the mowed field.  You will find a trailhead.  That trail parallels the river and runs upstream about 3/4 mile.  It jogs away from the river to go across the eagle scout bridge.  Access down into the river is tricky all along this whole section--very steep banks and vegetation.  Several members cleared this trail last Sunday.  So watch for the few cleared spots on the banks.  At flows above ~100 cfs are several very deep holes to be avoided.  Not easy fishing.

On the Montgomery Co. end of this bridge, there is a small primitive parking area for a couple vehichiles. One can enter the river from there and fish up or downstream from there.  We also have a narrow trail going downstream on that side of the river.  I added some pink flagging to mark the trailhead and a couple more flaggings as one proceeds further along the trail.  Again a very steep bank to the river with only a handful of reasonable easy access.  Further downstream is a mowed field.  The owner, Mr. Sam Haviland, has granted fishermen access to walk across the field (NO PARKING) to fish the river all the way past the mouth of the Hawlings River--which is crossed by a 1-lane bridge on Haviland Mill Rd.  One can cross back over to the Howard Co. side of the river over Mr. Haviland's ford for his tractors, etc.  From there on can fish a couple hundred yards further before reaching a POSTED property.  Wade the river until you cannot do so because of deep water and vertical high banks.  Then turn around and fish back up to Haviland's ford, etc. 

The flows in this section are controlled by Brighton Dam.  For stocking, WSSC dropped the flow to about 18 cfs.  The flow will be returned to something like 60 cfs tomorrow morning.  That is a nice flow.  Good fishing is possible in flows up to about 125 cfs.  The flow can be found here:
Patuxent R below Brighton Dam

Now let's see some fishing reports!



Hi Everyone,

As seen in Jay's report earlier, we stocked the Patuxent today.
I had the honor to solo stock route 94 downstream, I made it almost all the way down to Hipsley Mill Rd.
If you want to experience stocking from the comfort of your home and get a good laugh at how many times I ran out of breath carrying that box full of trout, here is a video I filmed and created on a GoPro, it isn't public, I am not making money out of it and I also did not make it public to try to keep the audience within PPTU alone and no poachers (anyway, I stocked those fish so good, it will be very difficult to find them hahaha 😂)
I saw a beaver, I saw a carcass of what I think was a deer (please watch and confirm) and overall, I think this is a good taste of what stocking looks like, I welcome you to help next time, so we don't need to do solo stocking trips again.... it was quite difficult.

Thank you Jay and Pete S. for coordinating this!


Photos from 2025 Stocking below Brighton Dam (Courtesy of Chris Newkumet)

2024 Spring Stocking

March 26, 2024

According to the Maryland DNR, 600 Browns and Rainbows were stocked in the C&R Flies Only section below Brighton Dam. Another 600 Browns and Rainbows were also stocked in the C&R Artificial Lures Only section of the Upper Patuxent. Below is a report from one of the stocking teams.


I had the privilege yesterday of being on the team to stock the Pax from Hipsley Mill all the way down to the trail which leads up to Jennings Chapel Way.  The team including Carson Wargo (high school senior many of you have met who loves fishing, ties flies and was the key to our success yesterday), Jeff Martell (even older than me -haha - and likes to fish and has participated in other stockings previously) and Sharif Soliman (30 years old ish, loves to fish and always wanted to help stock.  Sharif is a big outdoors guy!)

We had approximately 300 Browns and 100 Bows.

During our day we came upon old car tires in the river, hub caps, discarded 5 gallon buckets, empty beer bottles, etc.  Every time we encountered such debris both Carson and Sharif removed it from the river.  The video link  shows them removing the largest of the tires we encountered. Carson and Sharif removed several other tires, rims, hubcaps, beer bottles etc.  

On the walk back to the car Sharif carried 2 boxes (one filled with discarded beer bottles, soda cans, etc. and Carson carried the discarded buckets!

From Hipsley Mill in the water and then up the path to Jennings Chapel Way, Peter Schuler tells me we covered 4 1/2 miles!  No one told Carson or Sharif to clean up the river!  They both initiated this and stocking the fish was the easy part!

To that end, we had instructions to stock in certain areas I was previously familiar with as well as the area where Peter Schuler took me Sunday.  There was then about 3/4 mile of river I had never seen as we approached the last section. We had to make decisions on where to stock in that area.  There were lots of opportunities!  We collectively decided that there needed to be good water flow going into an area such as a good strong riffle going over rocks where we could actually see the drop in elevation (creates oxygen).  Once we met our first criterion, both Carson and Sharif walked through the prospective stocking area which could have been a tree or an undercut bank or a bend in the river to measure the depth, the water flow again and the structure.  They looked for big rocks and/or undercut banks or a tree laydown, a tree root system, etc.

We wanted to give these Browns every opportunity to survive a hot summer and ultimately create more trout!  Our team passed up stocking trout in quite a few areas which even though they were 3 -4' deep there was no structure nor significant water flow.  The areas we chose met every criteria and the water depth was certainly at least 4' deep.  We could have easily stocked another 200 fish had we had them!

Kudos to the conservation effort!!  Stocking the fish was the icing on the cake.

As always and certainly most importantly, thank you Jay Shephard for the decades of work to make the Pax such a great trout stream!  Peter Schuler, who has been working with Jay the past 7 years I believe, has been doing a fabulous job organizing these stockings which is quite an undertaking!!!

Tight Lines!

Jim Senker

2023 Fall Stockings

December 15, 2023

The Catch and Release Flies Only section of the Patuxent below Brighton Dam was stocked with 350 Rainbows and Brown Trout.

The Middle Patuxent Delayed Harvest section was stocked with 350 Rainbows and Brown Trout.

October 18, 2023

The Middle Patuxent Delayed Harvest section was stocked with 400 Brown Trout.

2023 Spring Stockings

April 3, 2023

Another 700 rainbows were float stocked in the Patuxent River tailwater below Brighton Dam (flies only).

March 8, 2023

PPTU volunteers helped stock some of our local streams today with rainbows.  Here are the waters and some details.

Upper Patuxent River special mgt area: 200 at each of three bridges:  rt 94, Hipsley Mill, & Howard Chapel.  All stocked at the bridges or just downstream.

Patuxent R. tailwater below Brighton Dam (flies only):  ~800 float stocked from head of the FFO water down to mouth of Hawlings on Montgomery County side.

Middle Patuxent delayed harvest section:  ~225 float stocked from Eden Brook downstream about a mile, maybe 1.5 miles.  This will almost certainly be the last stocking of this stream,  Please post here any and all trout caught AND seen on this river after today.  I will be truly surprised if any can be found a week from today.

Members helping me stock today: Bob Bokulic, Ron Briggs, Jim Flynn, Ernie Branson, Ron Kerrick, Mike Frey, Jim Senker. THANX guys!!! Good job by all.


March 1, 2023

On Wednesday, March 1st, our stalwart volunteers float stocked about 1500 large brown trout into the upper Pax special area and into the flies only section below Brighton Dam.  All reports were of very nice trout, some over 16"!  The taikwater flows were briefly raised the next morning but are now back to a quite fishable level.  Excellent flow is happening in the upper Pax. 

The trout in the upper mainstem were stocked between rt 94 and Howard Chapel.  None were intentionally dropped at the bridges,  A short hike should get you to these initial stocking points.

There is a great cleared trail going upstream on the Howard County side from Haviland Mill.  Just park in the county parking lot just north of the bridge.  There is a zig-zag trail along the Montgomery County side going downstream from the bridge.  Fishermen are allowed to cross the big meadow downstream of the bridge, courtesy of the owner, Sam Haviland.  At the downstream end of the meadow he has a ramp going down to a ford--easy access for fishers.

Thank to all who helped stock yesterday:
Dave Astin, Mike Bovitch, Ernie Branson, Ron Briggs, Ian Gifford, Brian Hepler, Bob Kaiser, Ron Kerrick, Ray Miller, Richard Moore, Steve Naugle, Peter Schuler, Steve Shaw, Don Vance, Edwin Waleryszak, and Bob Zukowski.

THANX, guys!  Job well deone!!

Next Wednesday we will stock the same river sections with rainbows.  We will stock some into the Middle Patuxent, too, that day.  

Spring has sprung,  Go fish!!


For up-to-date stocking information throughout the state, go to the Maryland DNR website.

Photos from 2021 Stockings (courtesy of Adam Rice)

Photos from 2019 Stockings

Photos from 2018 Spring Stockings

A Video and Photos from Previous Years

In the spring of 2015, Ron Brooks made this excellent video of PPCTU Stocking Below Brighton Dam.

Thanks Ron for your efforts!

Joe Kunsman provided the following photos and footnotes of their crew stocking below Brighton Dam. Thanks Joe.

First the good news - at least six deadfall are gone!

Open flow, piece of cake

Now the bad news - the mother of all dead falls is still there. Looks like the climax scene from Les Mis!

Our leadership makes the assault

Leadership overcomes, ready to plant the French flag and declare victory

Yea, the last storm was a big one