Trout In The Classroom

Trout in the Classroom throughout the Mid-Atlantic area is managed by the Mid-Atlantic Council of Trout Unlimited. With the over 100 locations signed up for 2024/25, we're hoping to line up an increased number of volunteers this year to support the institutions that will have Trout in the Classroom programs. It looks like there will be installations in Montgomery, Frederick, Howard, Carroll, Baltimore, Anne Arundel, Harford, Washingtion, Allegany, Prince Georges and Garrett counties as well as the District of Columbia. This year we are serving elementary, middle and high schools as well as several nature center programs and we expect that more than 5,000 students will receive and incubate fertilized Kamloops rainbow trout eggs, hatch and raise the trout in their classroom aquariums and then release the fingerlings into local streams. Through TIC they learn to appreciate the importance of cold clean water and environmental stewardship. Volunteers are needed to take part in any or all of the following activities:

    • Get free training in how to set up and maintain a school aquarium, raise trout and keep them healthy
    • Deliver trout eggs and trout food to all TIC schools in December
    • Help mainly first-time TIC teachers in case of hatchling-threatening emergencies during the school year
    • Occasionally visit local TIC schools to interact with teachers and students about topics such as cold water conservation and watershed issues, trout life and angling
    • Join student field trips in the spring to release TIC fingerlings, mainly by demonstrating fly tying, giving basic casting instruction and helping students seine the streams to identify bugs and critters the trout will feed on. These field trips are Monday through Friday and typically 9 AM - 1 PM. Remember, many employers permit community service time for help to programs including Trout in the Classroom.

2025 Release Schedules mid April through the mid June

TIC desperately needs your help to successfully do these release field trips and complete the program for almost 1000 students who are the future of our chapter and organization. PPTU supports Trout in the Classroom (TIC) in Montgomery County (12 schools) Howard County (5 Schools) and one school each in Anne Arundel County, Prince Georges County and the District of Columbia. A total of twenty one schools with some having multiple release events. That means 40 – 60 volunteer assignments that need to be filled. Each of the releases will have a seasoned coordinator at the release so if you are a first time volunteer you won’t be thrown to the wolves. The releases start at about 9 am and last until 1 pm. The Google Calendar called "MCPS TIC Release" will be live by March so you can see the actual release dates. To read more about the release activities, reference the TIC Needs You! article by Alan Burrows on Page 3 of the  March 2023 Conservationist.

      • Montgomery County Schools meet at the Lodge at Little Seneca Creek. Go to the Google Calendar for release dates. Contact Alan Burrows at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to volunteer.
      • Howard County School releases are at the Middle Patuxent at Eden Brook Drive in Columbia, MD. Southern Maryland will use either the Little Patuxent at Savage Mill or the Middle Patuxent. Contact Bryan Sirotkin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to volunteer.

To volunteer, please send relevant info to Alan Burrows: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Trout in the Classroom training for teachers and volunteers will take place at the Bear Branch nature Center in Westminster. It’s a great opportunity to help kids get involved with trout. If you are interested, please contact me. In December we will deliver eggs to the schools, and start the process that culminates in fish releases in April and May.

We welcome inquiries for further participation.
Alan Burrows
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: (443) 610-7850

The Following Message Was Received From the Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources

Thanks to everyone for all your help in making this another TIC success this year. We at DNR certainly feel that the program is extremely helpful as a way to educate the generation that will influence future decisions being made concerning natural resources. The program, as I see it, is the spark that will make the necessary impression on those students fortunate enough to have taken part. Their contributions by way of their trout production will be an added benefit to our local waters.

Charles R. Gougeon
Maryland DNR Fisheries Service
Manager of Regional Operations - Inland Fisheries
Tawes State Office Bldg., B-2
580 Taylor Avenue
Annapolis, Maryland 21401

Trout In The Classroom Instructions

The following information is intended for those who are setting up a TIC project.

TIC Manual