About PPTU

Trout Unlimited is a not for profit, 501(c)(3) conservation organization whose mission is to "conserve, protect, and restore cold water fisheries and their watersheds." The Potomac-Patuxent Chapter of Trout Unlimited is chartered by the national organization of Trout Unlimited (National Trout Unlimited) and the PPTU specific bylaws may be found at PPTU Bylaws. Our chapter's conservation activities are focused primarily on trout waters on the northern fringe of the Metropolitan Washington area; the upper Patuxent, the Middle/Little Patuxent, the Paint Branch, and the Northwest Branch. Our stewardship of these streams includes protection, restoration and improvement of the wild trout habitats in the Paint Branch and the headwaters of the Patuxent River, plus stocking of hatchery-raised trout in habitats that support trout on a more seasonal basis. These stewardships have materially helped to maintain trout populations that provide both educational and recreational resources nearby the homes of our members. Through our chapter's association with other TU chapters in the Mid-Atlantic Council of Trout Unlimited we coordinate with and participate in conservation projects in trout-bearing watersheds throughout Maryland, and recently in the Maryland Brook Trout Alliance. Please give back to these special local areas through participation in our conservation activities.

Our conservation activities are fueled by a combination of in-kind contributions (e.g., members' voluntary labor) and money from chapter fund-raising activities (e.g., raffles, book sales and library rental fees), grants, and to a small extent, by fractional rebates of your TU national dues.

We meet monthly from September through May, except for December at the Laurel VFD Meeting Hall, 7588 Van Dusen Rd., Laurel, MD 20707. Each meeting features a topic that will increase your knowledge of trout fisheries, improve your angling abilities, or update you on cold water fishery conservation activities. Also, at our chapter meetings, chapter members may borrow from our trout fisher's library of videos and books. Our mentor program, which takes fishers to nearby trout streams is a great way to become familiar with our streams as well as the tactics and techniques to be successful. The Chapter also hosts monthly outings to various streams. Between monthly meetings, we meet (exchange information) electronically on our chapter forum. To subscribe, send an email from the email account you want added to the forum, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We distribute our chapter publication, The Conservationist, electronically eight times a year in the same months as chapter meetings. The publication keeps you abreast of upcoming chapter activities and also includes feature articles that will sharpen your angling knowledge.

As a Chapter we are not allowed to assess dues or fees for membership. Along with other fund raising events, we therefore ask for a $20 Annual Supporting Contribution (ASC) each September, to sustain the chapter's administration costs, educational programs, and community service projects including:

  • Room rental for the monthly Chapter meetings at the Laurel VFD Meeting Hall.
  • Trout in the Classroom program that teaches primary & middle schoolers the importance of cold water fisheries to our environment.
  • Support to TU camps in Virginia and Pennsylvania which allows a few high school students to attend at reduced or no cost.
  • Year-round Project Healing Waters program at Ft. Meade and Walter Reed that provides recreational activities to wounded warriors
  • Conservation projects that restore trout habitats in rivers & streams across Maryland.
  • PPTU sponsored classes such as fly tying & fly rod building.
  • Maintaining the Chapter Library.
  • The Mentor program.

The Annual Supporting Contribution is voluntary, and hopefully you will support us with your contribution because it helps support our Chapter activities, which in turn brings value to your trout fishing experience. This contribution is waived for full-time high school and college students who provide us with their graduation date.

Please consider making an Annual Supporting Contribution or a General Donation by going to our Donate Page and choosing your payment method. If you have any questions, suggestions, or other comments, please let us know by contacting us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We hope to see you soon and regularly at our meetings and other activities.

May the rises be many,

Craig Vanderkolk, President