PPTU Social Outing – February 6, 2025

- Bob Bokulic

The next PPTU social event will be at the Dive Bar & Grille in Savage, MD on Thursday, February 6th starting at 6:30 pm.  The restaurant/bar is located within the historic Savage Mill which was built in the early 1800s on the Little Patuxent River and is now restored into a collection of unique shops and venues (see map below).   https://www.divebarandgrille.com/location/savage-mills/
The best place to park is in the "Little Lot" and then enter through the Courtyard.  If that lot is full, then you can use one of the other parking lots and walk through the mill to the Dive Bar & Grille.
We have a room reserved towards the back of the restaurant.  Just walk straight in and go past the bar.
Hope to see you there!